Monday, April 12, 2010

Region 2 Youth Judging Team Update

The AHASFV Youth kids and I (and future R2 Judging Team members) had a great time at the competition on Saturday at Cal Poly. Seven kids particpated (Hannah Kulik, Ashley Lane, Julia Broome, Christian Martens, Payton & Cooper Koch and Jessica Lackmeyer).
There was A LOT of competition including FFA and 4-H teams from all over California. This was, to date, our most authentic competition. Teams were serious and most had previous judging experience. This was a wonderful opportunity for the kids to "get their feet wet" and polish their reason skills.

6 Classes were presented; Arabian Hunter Pleasure, Western Equitation, Hunt Seat Equitation, Arabian Mare Halter, Arabian Gelding Halter, Quarter Horse Gelding Halter, TB Gelding Halter. 4 of the classes were "reasons" classes and the kids gained valuable experience for future goals.

Since we were judged in a separate grouping, our scores were not compared to other teams however on the sheet I received (which contained 1/3 of the scores), the highest score was 617 and the lowest score was 238. Ashley would have been 3rd if we were compared to the other judges and she is only 4 points from the 2nd place youth!

So, it's safe to say, we are on the right track :) Several leaders commented on how polite and fun the kids were and two groups invited me to audit their competitions. That was great since we arrived intimidated and with 4 first time judges!

Spring Break Camp

Spring Break was relaxing for some and busy for others. Ashley & Christian worked at Lowe Show Horse Centre (even Jess helped one day) and did everything from pulling weeds to cleaning and painting the arena! Wow!

Those of us still in town stayed home and enjoyed long days with the horses - riding at Spring Valley Arena and playing with the mini's in the afternoons.
All of the horses received much needed spring spa days. We took advantage of the hot weather with baths, coat conditioning, hoof painting and braiding.

Even the mini's got some extra grooming time. We even took the mini's for a neighborhood ride in the cart. The little girls could spend hours with the little guys! Even Dyna is getting some manners. :)

I'm so proud of the little girls for learning new skills like trotting poles and gymkhana courses. They all did great.

The extra time with the big kids gave us much needed scheduling for several photo shoots to take advantage of the beautiful weather and gorgeous scenery.
Welcome, springtime!