The AHASFV Youth kids and I (and future R2 Judging Team members) had a great time at the competition on Saturday at Cal Poly. Seven kids particpated (Hannah Kulik, Ashley Lane, Julia Broome, Christian Martens, Payton & Cooper Koch and Jessica Lackmeyer).
There was A LOT of competition including FFA and 4-H teams from all over California. This was, to date, our most authentic competition. Teams were serious and most had previous judging experience. This was a wonderful opportunity for the kids to "get their feet wet" and polish their reason skills.
6 Classes were presented; Arabian Hunter Pleasure, Western Equitation, Hunt Seat Equitation, Arabian Mare Halter, Arabian Gelding Halter, Quarter Horse Gelding Halter, TB Gelding Halter. 4 of the classes were "reasons" classes and the kids gained valuable experience for future goals.
Since we were judged in a separate grouping, our scores were not compared to other teams however on the sheet I received (which contained 1/3 of the scores), the highest score was 617 and the lowest score was 238. Ashley would have been 3rd if we were compared to the other judges and she is only 4 points from the 2nd place youth!
So, it's safe to say, we are on the right track :) Several leaders commented on how polite and fun the kids were and two groups invited me to audit their competitions. That was great since we arrived intimidated and with 4 first time judges!